RULMECAs neue Produktpalette für den Stückgutbereich beinhaltet zahlreiche Neuerungen. Die RULMECA GRUPPE bleibt damit ihrem Motto „moving ahead“ treu.
Die von RULMECA gefertigte Produktpalette für den Stückgutbereich besteht aus verschiedenen Bandrollen und Komponenten für den Einsatz bei:
Diese Rollen sind Produkte von hoher Qualitatät und Zuverlässigkeit für den Stückgutmaterialtransport in allen Einsatzbereichen.
For idle roller conveyors, we mean a series of rollers supported by a carrying structure, designed to handle packages by means of thrust or gravity.
LOSAdditional executions on the steel tubes of rollers for both gravity and driven conveyors
LOSComponents used for drive or gravity unit handling suited to many types of applications.
LOSFor chain driven roller conveyor systems we mean a series of rollers supported by a structure, suitable for unit handling, driven by chain.
LOSCurves can be with tapered rollers or cylindrical. The drive is transmitted with chain loops and the gear motor is typically in a central position.
LOSFor belt driven roller conveyor systems we mean a series of rollers supported by a structure, suitable for unit handling loads which are driven by a belt.